Mid-Year or Mid-Term Admissions
Whilst the majority of children join us in Reception or Year 3, when the size of the class grows slightly, pupils looking at entry to other years are welcome to join Crescent School as space allows. The normal starting term is at the beginning of the academic year in September, though we understand that circumstances, such as relocation, may necessitate an earlier start date and Spring and Summer Term starts are both possible should an appropriate place be available for the candidate.

Applications for places in the current Reception to Year 6 are treated on an individual basis as places are limited. In years where there is no place available, we operate waiting groups.
Please contact Becky Witcomb our Registrar, to discuss your son or daughter’s application and your circumstances. Please email admissions@crescentschool.co.uk or call 01788 523851
Step 1 - Visit the School
As with all prospective pupils we encourage those interested in applying for a place to visit us before registering. There are a number of opportunities to visit every year, with Open Events each term which provide a wonderful insight into school life, or we can arrange a Personal Tour on a normal working school day to suit you and your family, this would typically include a meeting with the Headmaster, Joe Thackway, which is a key part of the admissions process.
Step 2 - Registration
After your visit, if there is a place available in your chosen year group, we ask you to complete an online registration form before we arrange a Taster Day for your child. If your child requires any additional learning support, please indicate this on the registration form. During the Taster Day, your child will spend some time with our SENCo.
After you have registered and your child’s Taster Day is arranged, we will request a confidential reference from your child's current school and a copy of their most recent report.
Please note, children need to be registered by the end of May at the latest for their application to be processed in time for our Induction Morning in June.
Click here to Register your child
Step 3 - Taster Days
At Crescent School, we do not have a formal entrance examination, but we want to ensure that every child fits seamlessly into school life and fully engages with our diverse activities and school promise. A key part of our admissions process is the Taster Day, during which the candidate participates in a typical school day with the appropriate year group and meets the class teacher and fellow pupils.
On the Taster Day, children in Year 3 to 6 take a short online assessment to help us gauge their current understanding. Younger children may undergo a reading age assessment and will also complete written language and number tasks as part of their day at school.
Step 4 - Offer of a place
Following the Taster Day, the Headmaster will consult with colleagues to review your child’s application, their Taster Day experience, and any assessments. If a suitable place is available, you will receive an offer letter with a start date. Upon your acceptance and payment of the deposit, you will receive a Joining Details Pack and access to My School Portal, which contains comprehensive information on many aspects of school life.
We will then arrange an appointment with our Uniform Shop at Princethorpe College, the Foundation's senior school, to ensure your child is fully equipped in time for their start date. The Uniform Shop is open by appointment during holidays, and after school on Mondays and Wednesdays during term time.
Step 5 - Induction and Transition
Joining in September
Children joining us in September at the start of the academic year will be invited to our Induction Morning in June. During this time, they will spend time with their new teacher and classmates in their new classroom. Parents will also be invited to our Welcome Evening, where you can visit your child's classroom and meet their class teacher.
Information about new joiners entering the school is shared with all the staff so they can offer support as appropriate.
Joining Mid-Year or Term
New joiners will be buddied with an established child from their class who can help them navigate the school and answer any questions during their first few days. We typically find that children settle quickly in the friendly, welcoming environment at Crescent School and make friends with their classmates and through co-curricular clubs.
Their class teacher will support their transition, providing regular feedback to you and serving as your first point of contact for any queries or concerns.
For parents, our friendly FOC organizes various activities throughout the school year and welcomes new volunteer helpers with open arms.
To download our online Prospectus Pack click here.
Curriculum in brief
Class sizes are up 20 in Foundation and Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2) and up to 24 in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6). In addition to the class teacher, all classes have a Teaching Assistant to support their learning.
A broad and balanced curriculum is taught. The curriculum is covered in three Key Stages: Foundation (Reception class), Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6).
There is an emphasis on the importance of developing key skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, mathematics and science. The children also enjoy specialist teaching throughout their time in the school in Art, Drama, PE, Music, ICT and Spanish or French.
Exposure to these learning opportunities from the age of four helps to develop their learning ability in a most beneficial way. They also have swimming lessons throughout their years in Key Stages 1 and 2.
Initially, children are taught mostly by their class teachers but as they move up the school they are increasingly taught by subject specialists and by the time they reach Key Stage 2 they have five 1 hour lessons a day with a weekly timetable including English, Maths,
French or Spanish, Latin (in Year 6), Science, Geography, History, Religious Education, Computing, Art & Design, Music, Speech & Drama and Physical Education including swimming.
Preparation for Secondary School
As children grow older, independence and resilience is encouraged and nurtured. In Years 3 and 4, pupils are taught their different subjects by more specialist teachers in specialist rooms. Thinking Skills is introduced in Year 4. Form Tutors still teach English and Mathematics up to Year 5. Children are encouraged to reason, explain and conclude. There will be intellectual development, debate, creative and imaginative freedom as well as scientific exploration, independent study and scientific exploration.
In Years 5 and 6, the focus shifts to preparation for secondary school, whichever destination that may be. Children move around school following a timetable, with their bags and equipment to specialist teachers for all subject, this is excellent practice for senior school.