Former Headmistress Celebrated On Crescent School Founder’s Day
Crescent School celebrated the life of former headmistress, Mrs Christine Barrett, at its Founder’s Day Assembly on Wednesday 15 January.
Mrs Barrett, who passed away recently, began teaching at the school in 1965 and was headmistress from 1972 until her retirement in 1992.
The school was pleased to welcome Mrs Barrett’s daughter, Isabel Barnes, a former pupil at the school, to the assembly, as well as Foundation Principal, Ed Hester, Clerk to the Trustees, and former Crescent School pupil, Eddie Tolcher, and Foundation Trustee, Sally Rosser.
During the assembly, Headmaster, Joe Thackway, reflected on the long history of the school, which marked its 77th birthday this week, the incredible contribution that Mrs Barrett made, including overseeing the school’s pivotal move from its original site on Horton Crescent in Rugby to its current Bawnmore Road location in Bilton.
Year 6 pupils shared extracts from Mrs Barrett’s memories of the school’s early history. Dressed in original school uniform, they spoke about the experiences of the early pupils when the school was situated in Rugby town centre, on Horton Crescent adjacent to Rugby School.
Current staff member, and former pupil, Sally Dowling, spoke of her memories of Mrs Barrett, commenting, “I remember her as firm but very fair. She was a lovely lady that everyone really respected.”
After the assembly, Mrs Barnes was invited to officially open the new heritage area that has just been created at the school. The space includes a timeline of key milestones and the headteachers, as well as old photos, paintings and memorabilia which is all proving fascinating for the current generation of pupils at the school.
Our thanks also go to current parent, Mrs Lorimer, who kindly framed some of the pictures that have gone on display in the heritage area.
Copies of the second edition of A History of Crescent School which was produced last year are available to download for free on the school website here. Printed copies are also freely available for all Old Crescentians and the local community. They can be requested here. (There is a small £2.50 charge to cover UK postage).